Friday, December 16, 2011

Literacy-- Descriptive Writing and Skyscrapers

In this lesson the students had to draw a Skyscraper. They used vertical lines, horizontal, diagonal and perpendicular lines to draw the skyscraper. They learned that a skyscraper was a very tall building used for many things in many places. When the children drew the skyscraper they had to place the building in any chosen area.  Some hints you can give the children are; Phoenix Arizona with a back ground of the desert, Colorado with a back ground of  mountains.New York with a cityscape, Dallas, Texas with a background of a cow paster, or Miami Florida with a background of the ocean.
Materials needed:
 Ruler optional
or colored pencil.
After drawing the lesson the students will write a descriptive  paragraph about the picture.
The students  will discuss the following criteria and will have to place these things in their  writing.
1. A topic sentence = about the picture preferrably a declarative- statement
2. 2-3 Descriptors= describing the building, color, height, what is its purpose, or what it is made of.
3.Closing statement. one sentence = statement or opinion

Each child will write the paragraph and then revise.
Revision process:
1. Captialization and punctuation.
2. All words are in the sentence . And the sentence makes sense.
3. All criteria is in the sentence.

Please look at the  following and see the drawing illustration process and examples of pictures students