Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Art across the Curriculum / History :Presidents Day Symmetry Lesson

 In art class we have been talking and exploring the subject of symmetry.

For this lesson we have used the Historical of Lesson of Presidents Day.

Usually , we discuss two presidents: George Washington and Abrahamn Lincoln.

We discuss atleast three facts about Mr. Lincoln:

He was the 16th President of the United states.

He was a self taught person, from a Young boy he was himself many things by reading.

He  Wrote the Emancipation Proclamation: Freedom for the Slaves.

When we learn about George Washington , we discusss three things.

He was our first President.

He was our First General of our Army.

And he Signed the Declaration of Independence.

Then we review our Symmetry by discussing a mirror image with examples.

Use examples, such as shapes and butterflies.

I them give them a print off of a portrait of Washington or Lincoln, with the other side masked out . Examples

 The Children took these half portraits and drew the symmetry of the president face.
Some did so good they were all very pleased.
I could only save the George Washington pictures because the 3rd grade teachers wanted  place their Abrahamn Lincoln on their wall.
Here are the samples:
hope you like them.